The official hydrogen event in Rotterdam spoke to the world’s hydrogen and energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including the CEO  of Uniper, Alex Wietfeld.

Axel is responsible for the hydrogen business for Uniper and shareholder Fortum. 

Why did Uniper sponsor the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition? 

Well, first of all, hydrogen is a very important pillar of our strategy and therefore we are extremely active with a larger team in hydrogen. We believe that events and conferences are a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with partners and to exchange best practice within the industry and Rotterdam is a fantastic place because we have been in the Netherlands and in the port of Rotterdam for decades with our business and actually it’s also in future, I think a gate for the hydrogen business in the Netherlands and in Western Europe. 

What message did you share with the audience? 

Well, one of the major points is that we need all hands-on deck for making the hydrogen economy work. We need several elements such as access to renewables, such as the hydrogen production in Europe or the import of hydrogen and also the off takers who need an incentive also commercially to use green and decarbonized hydrogen. 

So, one important aspect I mentioned on stage was that let’s put all these efforts together and let’s also have a convincing story for the policymakers who have introduced fantastic instruments and strategies. But let’s also be pragmatic and let’s deliver on time for this quick ramp up of the hydrogen economy, including the regulation for hydrogen.

Why is this event so unique? 

This event stands out because it’s very well organized and I think you managed to get the right people together from the industry, but also, policymakers. 

And then there is the support of Rotterdam also working as an umbrella for all activities here in Rotterdam and therefore, I believe it’s just at the right time for everyone who would like to engage in person again and it’s a good story line and a very good agenda with great speakers. 

Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam and the Province of Zuid Holland, the global event welcomes 8000 industry professionals, 170+ Speakers, 350 Exhibitors and 50 sponsors to share latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers:

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