Alan Hayes - Global Head of Pricing for Energy Transition - S&P Global Commodity Insights

Alan Hayes

Global Head of Pricing for Energy Transition
S&P Global Commodity Insights

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 7: Financing Hydrogen Projects

Alan Hayes is Global Head of Pricing for Energy Transition at Platts. He has almost 20 years of experience working for price reporting agencies much of which has been dedicated to building markets for new and expanding commodities across a wide range of energy and petrochemical markets. In his current role Alan, engages with market participants, governments and regulators to create markets for hydrogen, and other decarbonising commodities like low carbon crude, low carbon gas and guarantees of origin with the goal of developing market based pricing and market intelligence that can help to facilitate the energy transition to a low carbon economy. Alan’s academic background is in economics, and he holds a Master of Science from UCL in Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management.

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