Fabian Jochem - Head of Power-to-Gas Sales - SMA Altenso GmbH

Fabian Jochem

Head of Power-to-Gas Sales
SMA Altenso GmbH

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 5: Electrolyser Developments

Fabian Jochem is active in the renewable and hydrogen industry for 20 years. Having worked in various management positions Fabian was in charge for solar-, wind and hydrogen projects on an international level. During the last years he had a strong focus on innovative hybrid projects (e.g. solar, wind, battery and hydrogen). Having been the General Manager of  SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH  (former company name of SMA Altenso GmbH) he is now developing together with a team of motivated colleagues the hydrogen activities for the SMA group as Head of Sales P2G. SMA Altenso GmbH could realize >75 electolyzer projects globally totaling more than 700 MW and sees itself as a facilitator for the power supply of electrolyzer solutions. Fabian holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering.

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