Federico Bernardelli - Former Country Image Coordinator and International Positioning Coordinator - International Affairs Office of the Chilean Ministry of Energy

Federico Bernardelli

Former Country Image Coordinator and International Positioning Coordinator
International Affairs Office of the Chilean Ministry of Energy

Federico Bernardelli holds a degree in International Affairs from the University of Bologna (Italy) and a Master in Europe-Latin America International Relations from the same University (Buenos Aires campus).

He has been working in the renewable energy and sustainable development sector since 2008. He coordinated projects in several countries for international organisations and research institutions, such as the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies – IASS e.V. located in Potsdam (Germany).

In 2017 he joined the Sustainable Energy Division of the Chilean Ministry of Energy working as Coordinator of the Technical Assistance in Sustainable Development of Geothermal Energy financed by the World Bank. Since 2019 he has been working as Country Image and International Positioning Coordinator at the International Affairs Office of the Chilean Ministry of Energy.


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