Garry Triglavcanin - Chief Development Officer  - Provaris Energy Ltd

Garry Triglavcanin

Chief Development Officer
Provaris Energy Ltd

Mr Garry Triglavcanin is the Chief Development Officer of Provaris Energy Ltd, and one of the company’s founding Directors.

Garry holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) and Master of Business Administration (MBA), with over 30 years’ experience in the international energy industry across commercial, technical and legal aspects of project development, negotiation and delivery. Industry experience includes traditional oil and gas, LNG and now hydrogen. Garry is instrumental in the commercialisation strategy of the company’s regional green compressed hydrogen supply chain which includes a unique marine storage and transport solution through its proprietary bulk-scale carrier for compressed gaseous hydrogen. Garry key’s interest is to understand the practical issues with respect to the entire hydrogen value chain from production to customer delivery.

Provaris is developing a portfolio integrated hydrogen projects in Australia and Europe, which includes the 2.8 GW Tiwi H2 project for hydrogen export to Asia, and more recently the development of export hydrogen projects in Norway for to meet the REPowerEU 2030 import target of 10Mtpa.

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