Gavin Cornall - Global Segment Manager Power - Roxtec AB Sweden

Gavin Cornall

Global Segment Manager Power
Roxtec AB Sweden

Speaker at:

  • Protecting Against Fire and Explosion Risks in Hydrogen Facilities

Gavin Cornall, Global Segment Manager at Roxtec Group, world leaders in modular cable and pipe sealing, demonstrates a profound interest in renewable energy and decarbonisation sectors. With a robust history of collaboration with reputable global entities, he offers extensive expertise in safety-critical applications. Over the past five years, his concentration has centred on aiding clients engaged in energy storage and conversion, particularly in battery energy storage and hydrogen applications. He possesses a thorough grasp of service sealing in diverse hazardous environments, emphasising safe industrialisation and standardisation pertinent to emerging technologies. Having worked within the Roxtec organisation for over 17 years he has experienced the client design journey from many perspectives, this insight into performance whilst also understanding the practical gives him a unique thinking around safety sealing throughout the design, installation, and operational phases of a project.

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