Hasret Varan - Sales & Business Development Manager – P2G - SMA Altenso GmbH

Hasret Varan

Sales & Business Development Manager – P2G
SMA Altenso GmbH

Speaker at:

  • Future Proof Power Supply Solutions for Electrolyzers – Provide Hydrogen with Benefits

Hasret has been working in the PV inverter industry since 2015. As an industrial engineer with a focus on renewable energy and energy technology (M.Sc.) she began working as student in product management of large-scale PV systems. She then was working as product manager after finishing her masters before she joint the SMA Altenso team as Sales & Business  Development Manager for power 2 gas. Her expertise covers the power conversion systems used for electrolyzers and fuel cells as well as the integration of renewables such as wind and PV into the hydrogen value chain.

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