Joost Oorthuizen - Chief Executive Officer - Invest International, The Netherlands

Joost Oorthuizen

Chief Executive Officer
Invest International, The Netherlands

Joost Oorthuizen is the CEO of Invest International, a new state participation set up by the Dutch Government and FMO, the Dutch development bank. Invest International has over 2 B Euro under management, for financing Dutch-linked businesses outside of the Netherlands, and developing and financing public infrastructure projects in developing countries.

Joost built his career in the fields of international trade, finance and sustainable development. Prior to Invest International, he was the founding CEO of IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative that worked with global business and governments on mainstreaming sustainability in global value chains. He holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Management from Wageningen University, a post-masters in Change Management and was schooled in financial management at Insead.

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