Jorge Palomar Herrero - Global Hydrogen Development Director - Iberdrola

Jorge Palomar Herrero

Global Hydrogen Development Director

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 1:Leading Global Hydrogen Projects

He is responsible for the promotion of Green Hydrogen projects and business development in Iberdrola .He has more than 20 years of experience in the energy sector where he´s experienced on engineering and fuel trading and has previously held different senior positions in the company including being the Head of Global Operations and Trading in Europe and the Head of Corporate PPAS to finally become two years ago the Head of Green Hydrogen Development where he is boosting more than 60 projects in 8 countries that Iberdrola has now under development.. By education, he is a Mining Engineer from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Has got an International Executive MBA from Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and a Master on Energy Industry Economics from Carlos III University and has taken several leadership programs in IMD Business School.

He is also an educator in Masters and postgrades in different universities.

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