Wouter van Gennip - Commercial Director - Prodrive Technologies

Wouter van Gennip

Commercial Director
Prodrive Technologies

Wouter van Gennip is Commercial Director for the Power Electronics Program at Prodrive Technologies, a highly innovative provider of electronics systems, and globally responsible for the introduction of hydrogen power electronics solutions.

Currently, typical power electronics solutions for electrolyser installations are far from being future proof and mostly not capable of being used in GW-scale installations. This situation presents a risk for OEMs, EPCs, and end users of these installations alike, as their system as commissioned may require a major overhaul of the rectifier and associated external filters, e.g. when the installation is extended to a higher power or newer stacks are being introduced. We are launching a cost-effective solution called the Hydra that solves this challenge.

Wouter holds a PhD in Physical Chemistry and a master in Chemical Engineering and has pursued innovation in the areas of energy consumption reduction and the energy transition throughout his career.

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