At the largest & most senior global hydrogen event, we spoke to the world’s hydrogen and energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including H.E. Sharif Al Olama, Undersecretary for Energy and Petroleum Affairs, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure, United Arab Emirates.

Watch the full video below!

‘This is my first time to attend the World Hydrogen Summit and I must say I am very pleased to be over here. Frist of all, let me congratulation Rotterdam in terms of holding this major event, it’s a very beautiful city, the weather has been amazing, and more importantly this Summit actually gathers all the decision makers under the same roof. You have the technology providers over here, you have the policy makers over here, you have the research and development institutes over here – every single entity that has a role to play in terms of making hydrogen a viable institution for the future.’  

‘The intention of my visit here was to see how successful hydrogen economies have been built in Europe and more importantly, to understand what are the standards and certification requirements for hydrogen imports into Europe. My country is one of the countries that has huge aspirations when it comes to hydrogen. We believe we can produce hydrogen at large scale both to address our domestic demands but also a potential of exporting hydrogen to countries that require them, such as Germany and others in Europe. So therefore it is very important to align the export strategy that we have with the import strategy for Europe so that we are on the same page and that there are no discrepancies when it comes to exporting our products here.’ 

‘What we have achieved as a global community today with regards to emissions is far from where we need to be. In order to achieve the 1.5 degree by the year 2050 there is a lot of work we need to do. Simply saying by the year 2030 we are required to reduce emissions by 43%, that is a task that is huge and in order to do that these kind of Summits are the baseline where we can actually build from. You have everybody who’s involved in the same place and we collectively have to partner up in order to make this target achievable.’ 

‘Climate change is not a problem related to a specific region or a specific country, it’s a threat to the entire mankind. What that is requires is we all collaborate, we all work with the same drive, with the same agenda, in order to come up with viable, affordable and sustainable solutions. The dilemma that governments face today is the energy trilemma includes affordability, security and sustainability, and the problem usually governments face is how do they balance between the three? In brief, my opinion is as all three are required, then all three are important there is no one solution, there is no one silver bullet. The energy that required to build the economies of the future is going to be an energy mix it will consist of hydrogen, it will consist of renewables, tt will consist of nuclear, it will consist of all types of energy that drive our economies, drive our growth and ensures the well-being of populations today, and in the future.’ 

Join us at #WorldHydrogen2024

Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam and the Province of Zuid Holland, the global event welcomes 15,000 industry professionals, 250+ Speakers, 500 Exhibitors and 70+ sponsors to share latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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