Commissioned By: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Date Published: 12 May 2022

The updated international hydrogen guide has been presented. The guide includes an overview of the latest hydrogen developments in the Netherlands and a large number of company profiles. Minister for Climate and Energy Rob Jetten, mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb and special climate envoy Jaime Bourbon de Parme received the guide during the first day of the World Hydrogen Summit 2022 in Rotterdam.

With this guide, the Dutch hydrogen sector is looking for international collaborations and trade. It shows which experiences, projects and solutions the Netherlands has in the field of hydrogen. It shows the innovative strength of the Dutch hydrogen sector. This 3rd version of the hydrogen guide already lists more than 150 Dutch companies and organisations from the hydrogen sector.

International Clean Energy Partnership

The guide is the result of a public-private partnership within the International Clean Energy Partnership (ICEP) program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and partners: FME, Topsector Energie and TKI-Nieuw Gas, created this guide. The ICEP program focuses on trade promotion for the Dutch renewable energy sector. In addition, the program helps foreign governments to develop a sustainable energy policy. ICEP also supports Dutch companies, for example in the hydrogen sector, with doing business abroad. They organize activities for them such as trade missions, matchmaking events and sector meetings. This hydrogen guide contributes to this.

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