The official hydrogen event in Rotterdam spoke to the world’s hydrogen and energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including the Regional Minister of Province of Zuid Holland, Jeanette Baljeu.

Why is the connection with the province to this event important?

Well, the province is also contributing to the sensation of industry in the port and that is very important. Of course, energy is the main question at this moment. How can we make the energy transition and of course especially also to hydrogen? The Port of Rotterdam wants to be the hub for Europe and the world on hydrogen, and we can contribute as a province in infrastructure, in research, in planning with business, how to make that transition but we are also the province that gives permits to the companies to invest here.

What message did you just share with the audience?

Well, it was a huge crowd today and we’re very pleased that it was from all over the world because it’s very important that we connect the whole chain, the production and the supply, and the demand. And so, it is very important that we make the connection with regions with Countries, but also discuss with business. How can they invest? What do they need to invest? And of course, as a government we are also looking for questions what is needed in legislation? What is needed in permits and how can we contribute to that?

There’s a lot of momentum behind hydrogen right now, what are the next steps?

Well, hydrogen is the issue at this moment of course with the energy independency that we need in Europe with a turmoil that was going on in the world. So, this is the momentum of course we have been discussing hydrogen for years. How can the industry get green power, green energy? But also, how can we contribute to inland shipping and greening of inland shipping? What we do as the province of south holland with the Rheine project but also public transport. So, there are many issues that we need to address, and this is the place and the platform to do it.

And, what’s unique about the World Hydrogen Summit?

Well, the World Hydrogen Summit is an exciting place where the world meets. And we are connecting, and we are discussing here all the issues that we need to do, especially connecting to the rest of the world, other regions, because we need to make the connection in the total supply chain. So, production and supply and demand, connecting them together, and this is what we do here.

Hear the world’s hydrogen and energy leaders at the next #WorldHydrogen2023 Summit & Exhibition taking place 9-11 May 2023 in Rotterdam.

Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam and the Province of Zuid Holland, the global event welcomes 8000 industry professionals, 170+ Speakers, 350 Exhibitors and 50 sponsors to share latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers:

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