Reporting By: H2 Energy News
Date Published: 11 May 2022

EU prepares plan for 20 million tons of H2

The Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans spoke at the World Hydrogen Summit to reaffirm the EU strategy. And to announce the new ambitions of the port of Rotterdam from which 40% of imported green hydrogen will transit.

The European Union intends to accelerate clean hydrogen. And that’s why it is laying out a dedicated plan for the carrier to be included in the long-awaited RepowerEU package. The goal? To increase the availability of hydrogen in the Old Continent, either through domestic production or imports from abroad. European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans explained this yesterday to the audience at the World Hydrogen Summit 2022 in Rotterdam. “On May 18, the European Commission will present detailed plans to boost Europe with clean energy and we will be very concrete that this will mean more renewable hydrogen,” Timmermans said. “RepowerEU will include a dedicated plan […] We want to see 10 million tons of green hydrogen produced in Europe and 10 million tons imported.”

What to expect? The Commissioner announced the creation of an infrastructure map identifying key elements to be built, from production systems to collection, storage and transport systems. And the proposal of new regulations dedicated to the carrier, including on the certification front. “We will initiate new financing tools to help sectors like industry and transportation use the hydrogen we produce and import.”

In fact, the first steps to increase EU engagement in the sector have already been taken. Last week, European Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton reached an agreement with 20 electrolyzer manufacturers. The agreement aims to bring the target of 10 million tons of clean H2 generated in the Union as close as possible. A volume that will necessarily require the installation of 90-100 GW of electrolyzers in just seven and a half years. By comparison, today Europe has only 150 MW.

On the import side, however, a big hand will come from the port of Rotterdam. The port authorities are forming a series of partnerships with local companies and exporting countries with the aim of supplying North-Western Europe with 4.6 million tons of H2 per year by 2030. “The port’s new ambitions,” Timmermans added, “will bring nearly 40 percent of the imported green hydrogen that Europe needs.


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